Admission to this School is on the norms of govt rules and regulations and fulfilling the conditions of age and conduct. Applicants for admission will be examined and put in the standard for which they are found fit.
A New admission remains incomplete unless the leaving certificate is not produced from last attended school. Student coming from other state has to get his/her LC countersigned by District education officer or Inspector of school compulsorily.
For any fresh admission birth certificate issued by competent authority is required. The school academic year normally begins from June and ends in May.
The Principal reserves the right to refuse any application without having to assign reasons for his/her decision.
No leaving certificate will be issued unless applied by the parent/guardian in writing and until all dues have been paid and library books returned. Fees are due so long as no notice of withdrawal is given in writing . If leaving certificate is not asked for within two months, a fees . Applications for Transfer Certificates must be made in the form printed in this diary.
Irregular attendance, habitual idleness disobedience or defiance of authority or conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school and are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student by management.
Notice of withdrawals any other certificates, must be given in writing by the parent in prescribed form at least two days in advance. No T.C will be issued on the spot. This holds good for any copies of school documents that may be required.
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